Thursday, April 05, 2007

Back by popular demand!

....ok, fine - so one person asked me to get my act together and post again, but for me, that counts as "popular".

I can't remember what I've talked about here in the past, but for those of you who don't know, I am student project manager of the LEGS team ( It has taken over a large portion of my life. I've effectively moved into the lab now, moving everything but my bed and clothing down here to save time walking back and forth. I'm growing to hate this lab. Kind of strange to walk in to a lab when it's sunny outside and come out when it's dark and realize that 8 hours have passed. I miss windows.

(see how exciting my life is?)

I've also been finishing up writing an interesting research paper on surveying instruments and methods in ancient Greece and Rome. Lots of work, but very interesting and quite impressive how accurate their results were given the limited technology.

On a much lighter note, my fiance is down visiting over Easter weekend - so I'm going to try to relax a bit in the next few days and avoid going insane.

...and now you understand why I haven't posted in forever. My life doesn't make that fantastic of a story...


Amber said...

Hey, good for you! Please, keep posting - you may think your life is boring, but I am enjoying seeing these little glimpses into college life.

This post reminds me of all the time I used to spend in the basement of the computer science building, working on programming projects... it really is depressing to go inside on a beautiful spring day and come out to the dark, chill, spring night, isn't it.

sarah marie said...

I love it! I made you come back! Please keep posting when you can, Jonny. :) Say hi and happy birthday to Jenn for me!

Your class on ancient greek and roman architecture sounds really interesting to me. The paper on surveying and such would be fun to read. I remember when I discovered that all those kids' books about Christopher Columbus being the one to discover the world was round were a big fat lie and that the ancients had not only known it was round but been able to approximate the diameter...!! Incredible.

It's too bad you and Jenn can't come here to Mass. for Easter! We're having friends over for dying eggs, going on a plastic egg hunt, adn having a ham dinner! :) I'm such a hostess these days. I'm even making little coconut nests with jelly beans in them and putting a Peep on top of each one to give to our guests. :) Cute, huh?

Are you and Jenn going to merge blogs when you marry and become one? I can picture 'Life According to Nerd' or 'Questionable Jenndom'...?