Thursday, October 18, 2007 4 months a long time to go between posts?

Haha! I bet you never thought this little RSS Feed would light up again, did you! Well, here I am again to get reacquainted. Try not to get too used to the idea, however, since there's no telling when I'll sit back down and attempt this again.

I've been married now for three months and a couple of days, which means that my wife (Henceforth referred to as "Muffin") now knows everything about me that I tried to keep a secret for the last three years, like the fact that I hack like a dog that swallowed a chicken bone each morning in the shower. Oh well, no sense trying to hide the fact anymore.

Amazingly, she still seems to love me quite a bit, and things are going swimmingly. We've settled in to our perfect little house in the country (an amazing blessing for us) and both of us are enjoying working as engineers. I have continued my employment at Autometrix and am now working to develop a heated cutting tool. I didn't care much for heat transfer in school, but so far I've enjoyed this project quite a bit. It's a challenge to bring it all together, but we'll see what I end up with.

Muffin now works at NVision as a hardware engineer, preparing the world to switch to all digital TV. So don't worry - your TV is in good hands. Trust me, she's a genius.

Las Vegas, for the record, is a very overrated place. I discovered this after spending a few hours there two weeks ago. Unfortunately, my trip lasted for 5 more days and I hadn't gotten a penny richer by the time I returned home to Muffin.

Maybe that has something to do with the fact that I didn't gamble at all, but I don't know. The ads make it sound like these casinos just can't wait to fill your pockets with money. I was there for a trade show (IFAI) however, and I enjoyed the time with my coworkers and the show went very well for us, it seems. During my 5 day stay there, I compiled a list of things to see in Vegas:

1) The Bellagio water show
2) The Venitian
3) The Bellagio water show
4) The Luxor is kind of cool
5) The Bellagio water show.
6) Ghiradelli's Chocolate store
And finally, finish off your visit to Vegas with a stop at
7)The Bellagio water show

My list of things to avoid in Vegas is much longer - if you want details you can ask.

In other news, I got my cello out a few days ago since I am supposed to play a (very simple) part this Sunday at a church I used to attend. We'll see how that goes, but I have enjoyed trying to make my cello make the sounds it used to make... Sooner or later Muffin will get out her clarinet and we'll be a very musical household. I think I'll enjoy that quite a bit.

I'm going to relax now and watch a movie from our Netflix queue (we're such an American family...) but I hope this is enough of an update for now.