Friday, March 21, 2008


Jenn and I attended a community Good Friday service today, and I came to a conclusion -

Christians are crazy.

Seriously, if I weren't already a Christian, I would have thought Christians were totally nuts, sitting in a service singing songs, praying, and listening to a talk which could all seem quite "cultish". Now don't get me wrong - I believe totally and completely that I am created by a God who loved me enough to have a plan to save me from my sins (and I don't think I'm crazy because of that belief), but I think it's easier for me to hold that belief because I was introduced to it at a young age, and now have experienced the true love and the change that comes from knowing Jesus. In this post, I'm not even going to mention all of the evidence for both God's existence and Jesus' life and ministry that I've learned throughout my life - maybe another post on another day...

The point is, If I walked into a church for the first time at the age of 22 with my engineering degree and my overly cynical outlook on life, I'd think Christians were nuts.

I believe completely in God and Jesus' death on the cross, but have always looked at some of the other religions in the world and wondered at how silly or wrong or confused they might seem. But recently I've been struck with how silly Christianity must seem to the rest of the world. I suppose all I can do is do my best to let the world see how Jesus changed my life, and know that the Spirit of God is behind me, hopefully patching up the gigantic failures I leave in my path.

But for now, I'm looking forward to celebrating Easter on Sunday with all my crazy friends.