Friday, February 15, 2008

valentine's day

Valentine's day is a lot more fun if your spouse doesn't expect you to do anything. (See Jenn's blog for an explanation of why she didn't expect anything - she thinks that it's a holiday created by marketing schemes of evil corporations).

If your wife knows she's getting flowers and dinner every February the 14th, she's just wondering how many and where... So, for Valentine's day, I sent Jenn some flowers, and then we had a nice quiet meal here at home. I grilled sirloin, made twice baked potatoes, and artichokes. I enjoyed it, and she said she did too.

If you must know, the purpose for this post is so I can maybe win free stuff over at It's worth a try, right?

A post with further political commentary and an update on my new eye balls (and the process of getting them) will come sooner or later.

Happy Valentine's Day.


sarah marie said...

When are you and Jenn going to come visit us on this side of the country??

Jonathan said...

Tomorrow, as a matter of fact. Please be on time to pick us up at the airport, we don't like to wait in the cold.